Doing Well

Update. I am 3 days post op and doing good. Mom and I have been watching a zillion episodes of Doctor Who on BBC America. πŸ™‚ My mom LOVES Doctor Who and doesn’t get it where she lives, so this has been PERFECT!!!!

I am having a little pain still, and it hurts to sit up too long.

Had a few contractions this AM when i forgot my pain pills b/c i overslept.

I keep realizing how freaking lucky we are.

We are beyond blessed, and I guess it is hitting me more now that it is over and done with. I suppose I wouldn’t let myself think too much about the gravity of the situation before the surgery. I didn’t Google funneling, and I asked Kingman not to- or at least not tell me all the info if he did. Sometimes knowledge is power…sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I have been googling the last few days, and I am so glad I didn’t before hand…I would have totally freaked.

I am very lucky that we got this ultrasound. I have had no problems up till now, so it was really just a whim that my doc did it b/c I had an IUI. She is the only doctor I have heard of that gets an extra US b/c of IUIs. She told us that day, that she normally doesn’t- but for some reason she felt the need to. I think it was my angel whispering in her ear. I am lucky I was still 24 weeks- this is generally the cut off for cerclages. I was 24 weeks 4days.Β  Any later and I would probably have been on complete bed rest in the hospital until delievery.

We are lucky that nothing happened when I was on the many plane rides I took recently.

We are lucky nothing happened IN the Bahamas.

We are lucky we got the stomach bug and didn’t feel like having sex. Hell, we are lucky my libido has been nil and we haven’t been overly active.

The baby has always been really really low. Even at 24 weeks, I only really felt it move right behind my pubic bone and a smidge above. The heart tones were always found extremely low. I never felt much any higher. I carried really low, but my uterus could be felt in the right spot above my belly button. I felt like was waddling b/c my legs wouldn’t walk right- perhaps it is b/c the baby was so low? I don’t know, but that makes sense. Currently the baby is testing out new real estate around and above my belly button. (s)He is more active now, and I swear it kicked my stomach earlier. It is almost like feeling it move for the first time!

my brother calls me Gladstone Gander b/c I have pretty awesome luck.

I will trade in all my luck for the rest of my life to let me carry my sweet baby to term.

11 responses to “Doing Well

  1. Thank God you are okay. Glad you’re enjoying the time with your mom and I’ll keep you in my prayers! Thanks so much for the update. I’ve been a little behind on twitter so I was wondering. Hugs!

  2. I am so glad your guardian angel was watching out for you that day and that everything is ok. You definitely are lucky though I don’t get the Gladstone Gander reference lol. I will have to google. Glad you are ok!

  3. I am so happy things are on the up and up. It is all still so unbelievable to me. I hope you don’t have too much pain now that Sweet Oat has claimed new digs. πŸ™‚

  4. I am so glad you had that appointment & that everything worked out as it did. you’ll be holding your LO soon – just hopefully not TOO soon. take care, m.

  5. So crazy that your doc just checked you on a whim! You are one VERY LUCKY lady!!! I’m so happy everything is okay and baby is doing fine :).

  6. Goodness gracious L. This is so scary, and yet the biggest blessing.
    Whew. You must be reeling from all of this. I am reeling just from reading your last two posts.
    Can I send your OB a card telling her what an incredible wonderful woman she is?
    Oh my gawd, could these pregnancies feel any less tenuous? I just want us to be able to relax and enjoy it all. I am so grateful that you are getting amazing care, but I just feel so cranky tonight that there is so much to worry about, and still so many bumps along the way.
    Oh sweetie, I am sending you so much love. Do you need anything else?

  7. I have been thinking of you all weekend, since I got the first post in my email (I’m so sorry I didn’t reply then, this weekend just got away from me)

    but I wanted to tell you that I’m so glad you are ok, that the angels are watching. I also started to funnel at 22 weeks and at 24 weeks I didn’t need a clearage, but they did put me on Bed Rest for the rest of my pregnancy at home. Home monitoring and more dr appt than any person should have. πŸ™‚

    I am just so happy that the universe was watching you and you were able to get this done. PLEASE SIT ON YOUR ASS now! Relax, deep breaths and keep cooking that baby. I am sending lots and lots of love, support and good juju to you sweetie. xo

  8. Great news! Pleased you are doing well. Must have been scary
    Continue to rest and take your pills

  9. OMG, I am so happy you are doing better. I was so worried! I read the last post and didn’t get to comment, but you were on my mind!!!

    Just don’t move anymore, K?? At all. Until your peanut is born. mkay? πŸ™‚


  10. I am so glad you are doing well! You are one blessed lady! I am so glad they caught it and your little darling will remain where she/he should. Thinking of you.

    PS Not sure if I forgot your password to your posts or if you changed it and I missed it. Would you mind emailing it to me again? Thanks!

  11. So glad to hear you’re doing better! I hope your luck continues!

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