:/. Sorry

Can’t believe it has been almost a year since my last post. I just….don’t have the drive to blog anymore. The older oat gets I realize my part of this story is coming to a close and it is about him. I am not comfortable sharing as much.

We are all great- oat is growing like a crazy fool and about to be two.



He is beyond awesome and such a smart cookie. Other than him, life is about the same. Day in day out. HA

No concrete plans for #2. I am scared to be pregnant again, especially with a toddler. Tentatively next spring. IDK. I will know when it is right.

That said- I will probably be inactivating this blog soon. I am going to keep it around- just inactivate it. Or maybe take down Pictures. Not site yet.

Figured I would see if ANYONE WAS LEFT out there. Hahah

<3. I wish I had more voice- but it has seemed to of left me

2 responses to “:/. Sorry

  1. I’m still here, but we text everyday so really feel free to quit. 😉 Ha ha ha. MIss you friend.

  2. I feel the same way! Lurking around blogs today and running into old friends is fun. Especially us Azoo girls!

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