Hello all from LFCA and my loyal followers…I imagine you all are spending this day hovering over your keyboard waiting…salivating for an update.

I am write just a quick welcome, and thank you for stopping by. I am currently out of town(yes,again) at a friends house and they don’t have internet..yes, I feel your shock and awe from here. They don’t “do” that much internet. They check emails from work. If they need a phone number-they pull out the yellow pages. It is crazy!!!

We have an appt with the Genetics doctor tomorrow at 1pm. Wish us luck!!!!! I have no idea what to expect. Anyone out there been to a geneticist?

I will write more when I don’t have to tap it out on a blackberry!!!!!

10 responses to “LFCA

  1. We have a hard time functioning without the internet :). I would never make it through 2ww's without it!

    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow πŸ™‚

  2. No internet! How strange, would not be a ble to cope! Good luck with the appt tomorrow.

  3. A Mom in Jacksonville, FL

    NO internet….yikes! πŸ™‚

    Sorry, I have no words of wisdom to share about genetics docs, as I have never been.

    Hope all goes well with your appointment!


  4. Beautiful Mess

    Happy ICLW! WHAT?! The Yellow Pages?! I didn't even know they still made those! Craziness, I tell ya!

  5. ICLW ~ *gasp* no internet!? how do they survive!? the yellow pages are still printed!? πŸ˜‰
    good luck tomorrow!

  6. Wow, yellow pages? What are those?? πŸ™‚

    Good luck at the geneticist tomorrow.

  7. Gah! No internet. I am intrigued and repulsed at the same time.
    Good luck at your appointment.


  8. Ugh, I just spent the weekend with some friends who don't have internet. It made me a little sad to realize how dependent I am on technology. But I also think my anticipation had to do with ICLW, like you said.

    I look forward to your next update!

  9. itsazooaroundhere

    Good luck with the appointment tomorrow! Sounds like you all had a great trip to Hawaii….Happy Belated Anniversary!

  10. Don't "do" much internet? How do they live?


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